Soma Rae Wellness
at Upper Cervical Spine Centers of Michigan, Monroe, MI


Welcome to Soma Rae Wellness, LLC.
While chronic pain may not have a definitive cure, massage therapy can effectively manage its symptoms.

Photograph of massage therapistTrini is a licensed massage therapist who has unique insight into the challenges faced by her clients. Her journey of personal resilience includes managing chronic pain after undergoing several major surgeries, including double-lung and kidney transplants. She combines her knowledge of massage therapy techniques with an intuitive touch in order to target tension and address the pain cycle. Trini can help identify problem areas and customize soft tissue work for clients who seek out massage for help with pain management and relaxation, improvements in posture, and to maintain their general well-being. Massage therapy sessions can be adapted around the health needs and level of mobility of her clients.

Trini completed her massage therapy training at Orion Institute in Perrysburg, Ohio. In addition, she has a BA in history, from Oakland University, in Rochester, Michigan. Trini is certified in CPR and First Aid, and has continuing education courses in Post Surgical Massage, Elder Care and Hospice; and managing headache pain, migraines, and chronic pain. Trini invests her time, money, and energy to expand her knowledge and personal growth, and wishes the best outcome for her clients. 

In Monroe, Michigan, Trini works closely with Dr. Crowley, who works on structural problems. Trini can help relieve soft tissue issues, targeting specific areas. A chiropractor and massage therapist working together can provide a wide range of benefits and better results, however, one does not have to be a patient of Dr. Crowley in order to receive a massage.